The possibility of using recently discovered methods of artificial reproduction , beyond involving a grave lack of respect for human dignity , does nothing to alter this inadequacy 至于采用最近发明的人工生育方法,除了会严重损害人性的尊严外, 15丝毫不能弥补这缺陷。
The possibility of using recently discovered methods of artificial reproduction , beyond involving a grave lack of respect for human dignity , ( 15 ) does nothing to alter this inadequacy 至于采用最近发明的人工生育方法,除了会严重损害人性的尊严外, ( 15 )丝毫不能弥补这缺陷。
Check dams , typhoons and rising temperature interact to suppress the salmon population repeatedly each year . the population must be uninterruptedly enlarged by artificial reproduction before the demolition of check dams to fortify the resilience and stability of salmon population under the impacts of natural calamities 拦砂坝、台风与逐年升高的水温已使樱花钩吻鲑面临严重生存危机,建议坝未拆除前,必须持续人工繁殖及放流工作,以扩大族群量,增加其天灾冲击下之回复力与稳定性。
Beijing aquarium has been granted as the marine popular science education base and the base of popular - science education for juveniles by many governments and institutes and has become a base and publicizing platform of many scientific research institutes for their research on the domestication and artificial reproduction of aquatic creatures 北京海洋馆是多家政府机构授予的海洋科普教育基地和青少年科普教育基地,并成为了多家科研机构进行水生生物人工驯养和繁殖研究的基地与宣传平台。
Artificial reproduction is the creation of new life by other than the natural means available to an organism. Examples include artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, cloning and embryonic splitting, or cleavage.